Your Key to 
Building a Thriving, 
Profitable Business

"A must-read book of 2020!"

Your Key to 
Building a Thriving, 
Profitable Business

"A must-read book of 2020!"

Kristen David has been Featured In:

Kristen David has been Featured In:

Get These Amazing Bonuses Now

Bonus #1: 
Guide to the 4 Pillars of Successful Business Management

Bonus #2: 
The Art of Building Culture Quick Start Guide and Culture Inventory

About the Book

Frustrated that you are working harder, but there never seems to be any money left over for you? 

Author Kristen David, who has built a 7 figure business and sold it and who has helped over 1500 businesses, shows you how to:

           * Balance the 4 Pillars of Successful Business Management to build strong business systems and a 
              kick-ass team.

           * Craft an executable marketing plan that will resonate with your audience and get results.

           * Learn to hire, train, manage and cultivate a team that thrives on the day to day operations so the  
              business will run smoothly and grow.

           * Hone your understanding of financial numbers so you can build a thriving, profitable business and          
              measure/forecast its success.

This book gives business owners a clear Roadmap for Growth 
with action steps and quarterly goals

Grab your copy now 
so you can THRIVE personally, professionally and financially.

If you loved reading... 

The E-Myth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber

Built to Sell by John Warrillow

Profit First by Mike Michalowicz 

this is a must-read! 

About the Book

Frustrated that you are working harder, but there never seems to be any money left over for you? 

Author Kristen David, who has built a 7 figure business and sold it and who has helped over 1500 businesses, shows you how to:

           * Balance the 4 Pillars of Successful Business Management to build strong business systems and a kick-ass team.

           * Craft an executable marketing plan that will resonate with your audience and get results.

           * Learn to hire, train, manage and cultivate a team that thrives on the day to day operations so the business will run smoothly and grow.

           * Hone your understanding of financial numbers so you can build a thriving, profitable business and   measure/forecast its success.

This book gives business owners a clear Roadmap for Growth 
with action steps and quarterly goals

Grab your copy now 
so you can THRIVE personally, professionally and financially.

If you loved reading... 

The E-Myth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber

Built to Sell by John Warrillow

Profit First by Mike Michalowicz 

this is a must-read! 

About the Author

Kristen David, a former trial lawyer and partner who went from working 85 hours a week and being a slave to her law firm, built it up to a million-dollar-plus business, then sold her shares and pivoted into a business coach guru.  

Kristen’s no-nonsense approach and results-oriented methodology has allowed her to help more than 1,500 business owners.

Her mantra “fail your way to success” has attracted thousands of struggling business owners to seek her guidance and mentorship.

She splits her time between the Pacific Northwest in the USA and Paris, France.

About the Author

Kristen David, a former trial lawyer and partner who went from working 85 hours a week and being a slave to her law firm, built it up to a million-dollar-plus business, then sold her shares and pivoted into a business coach guru.  

Kristen’s no-nonsense approach and results-oriented methodology has allowed her to help more than 1,500 business owners.

Her mantra “fail your way to success” has attracted thousands of struggling business owners to seek her guidance and mentorship.

She splits her time between the Pacific Northwest in the USA and Paris, France.

More about your

⭐️ Bonus #1:  4 Pillars of Successful Business Management!
 Everything is easier when you have a framework and a plan to follow. Get this quick guide to building that framework:

     • Guide to Balancing the 4 Pillars of Successful Business Management. 

⭐️ Bonus #2:  Build Your Culture! 
 Culture helps you build a business can thrive with lower costs, higher productivity and higher profit margins. Get clearer on your culture and what you want to build with these great resources:   
     • The Art of Building Culture – Culture Inventory. 
     • Building Your Culture - Quick Start Guide.

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